Juicy Beanz: Passive BUSD Rewards Token — Ready to Moon?

CryptoCravers LLC
2 min readApr 27, 2022


Here at CryptoCravers, we try to inform you of all types of projects — big and small. I love projects that involve passive income of any kind. I’ve looked into many different projects, including node projects, yield optimizers, and reward coins. The last reward coin I reviewed left me wholly unimpressed. Today, I bring you another reward coin, this time, a very small project. However, don’t let their humble stature fool you — the token has some impressive features. Let’s take a look…

Let’s start by looking at the $BNZ numbers. At launch, 100 million $BNZ tokens were released. Price per token, as of today, is sitting around $0.00080, which puts the market cap at around $70k, which is quite low. However, the trajectory is quite impressive — the coin price has increased nearly 500% since yesterday. The development team is very involved in their tight-knit community, hosting a telegram channel of around 700 members. It is important to note as well that the team has not even begun advertising. All growth has been organic, since the stealth launch.

Lets look at the tokenomics. There is a significant tax to buy/sell, but that is pretty common with a reward coin. When you purchase the token, a 10% tax is imposed: 3% liquidity, 2% marketing, and 5% rewards. When you sell, a 15% tax is assessed: 5% liquidity, 5% marketing, and 5% rewards. My opinion on the tax rate is that its low enough to enter comfortably, but high enough to prevent over-selling. As I stated, marketing hasn’t even begun yet, so there should be a good stockpile by the time they begin. Rewards are distributed through BUSD, which appears automatically in the holder wallets.

We did a review of the Juicy Beanz contract, and there was nothing major that struck us as a red flag. Please note, the CryptoCravers is not an auditing company. The only feature that stuck out to us was a function that allows multiple wallets to be assigned as the contract owner. It was a feature that we haven’t seen before. We reached out to the team for an explanation of the feature, and are still waiting to hear back.

So what’s next up on the $BNZ roadmap? The team is currently working on an rewards NFT that will be released in the coming days. In conjunction with the NFT release, they plan to begin a heavy marketing campaign for the token. The NFT will not only passively generate rewards, but will also be used in some play-to-earn games that are currently in development.

What do you think of this project? Is Juicy Beanz another BSC crap token? Or is it a hidden gem, ready to moon?

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